Terry was saved at age 6 in Forsyth, IL and has been a part of Southern Baptist work ever since. He felt called into ministry at age 20 and entered the youth and music ministry, serving several churches in Arkansas and Memphis, TN over the next 12 years. He then felt led into the pastorate and served 2 churches in Arkansas while getting his B.A. in Christian Ministries from Williams Baptist College. After 2 1/2 years as a church planter in Indiana, Terry returned to pastor in IL before beginning Celebration Community Church in the summer of 2001.
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This is our pastor and his wife, Pastor Terry and Cheri Walters, from our new church directory. Though both are natives of Illinois, they have previously served churches in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Indiana in both the Music/Youth Ministry and the Pastorate. They returned to IL to pastor in 1995 and began Celebration Community in Aug. of 2001. Among other things, Terry writes and acts in skits for the children's ministry, writes-acts-directs plays for the church, and is the Team Leader for our association's Peru Mission effort. He has also published three children's books! Cheryl (aka Cheri) leads the worship music and is also active in the children's ministry at church - Straight Street. |
|  | Cheri (nee Cheryl Bolte) was saved at age 9 in Nokomis, IL. Marrying Terry in 1976, she immediately became his right arm in the ministry, playing the piano and serving in virtually every area of church life. Together, they have developed a style of praise and worship that will lead you to a fresh encounter with God.